Shakeytown Radio is a podcast created and hosted by Brodie Foster Hubbard and writer and comedian Gene George, with discussions about art, literature, music, independent media and pop culture, and featuring conversations with artists, comedians, musicians, writers, and other creative people.

Tuesday Feb 14, 2012
Tuesday Feb 14, 2012
Tuesday Feb 14, 2012
A Shakeytown Radio Minute: Some quick plugs for events this weekend.

Sunday Feb 05, 2012
L.A. Zine Fest preview w/ Alex Chiu, Keenan Keller & Tom Neely
Sunday Feb 05, 2012
Sunday Feb 05, 2012
Alex Chiu (http://alexdoodles.com, "Eyeball Burp"), Keenan Keller (http://drippybonebooks.com, "Whore Eyes," "Galactic Breakdown"), and our old pal Tom Neely (http://iwilldestroyyou.com, "The Blot," "The Wolf," "Henry & Glenn Forever") join Gene and Brodie to chat about L.A. Zine Fest (http://lazinefest.com), running through February. Alex discusses his exhibit at Flock Shop on Feb. 11, Keenan & Tom discuss their readings upstairs at The Last Bookstore on Feb. 18, and we also cover independent publishing of comics and zines, outsider art, sex cults, proper use of the word "utilize," & Gene's next adventure in parenting as he takes a hiatus from Shakeytown Radio. Also, music by Tom's project, Self Indulgent Werewolf.

Sunday Jan 29, 2012
100th Podcast! w/ special guest, MJ Offen (Maker Studios, Animonster)
Sunday Jan 29, 2012
Sunday Jan 29, 2012
It is our 100th podcast! Really, count the items on the RSS feed. This is #100. MJ Offen returns to discuss her work with Maker Studios and Animonster, but also quizzes Gene and BFH about the show. Plus, conversation about Italian cruise captains, piles of money, and comedians and hecklers. Featuring music by Filth.

Friday Jan 20, 2012
Look Out
Friday Jan 20, 2012
Friday Jan 20, 2012
A record label goes out of business, friends of the show are doing great things in 2012, and some surprises at the end.

Thursday Jan 19, 2012
Question Thursday
Thursday Jan 19, 2012
Thursday Jan 19, 2012
Ramones' "Questioningly" paves the way for Gene and BFH fielding some questions from Joe Wilson ("Vampire Mob") about the nature of comedy.

Tuesday Jan 17, 2012
TV Tuesday
Tuesday Jan 17, 2012
Tuesday Jan 17, 2012
Helium's "Magic Box" opens what is supposed to be a Tuesday talking about television, but becomes complaining about television critics. We try not to spoil "American Horror Story," "Dexter," "Burn Notice," and "The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret." Plus, an embarrassing story related to "Portlandia."

Monday Jan 16, 2012
The End Is Nigh
Monday Jan 16, 2012
Monday Jan 16, 2012
Considering the show starts with "This Is The End" by SNFU, you'd have to assume the podcast is coming to a close. But perhaps it's merely a new beginning?

Sunday Dec 11, 2011
Shakeytown Winter Holiday Year End Special
Sunday Dec 11, 2011
Sunday Dec 11, 2011
Shakeytown Winter Holiday Year End Special (01:36:49)
Two years into the podcast, one year until the end of the world! A look back and a look forward as Gene and Brodie discuss kitchen catastrophes, Muppet movies, jarring job interviews, Bob Calhoun’s Beer, Blood, & Cornmeal, and the holiday hiatus. Music by The Ramones, Roar, and Mishka Shubaly.

Monday Nov 21, 2011
Thanksgiving Special w/ Eli Braden
Monday Nov 21, 2011
Monday Nov 21, 2011
Eli Braden (@elibraden) joins Gene and Brodie to talk about his Song A Day podcast, his appearances on "The Howard Stern Show," and much more. Megan Marie makes a cameo to deliver a Thanksgiving feast.

Monday Nov 14, 2011
Movember Rain
Monday Nov 14, 2011
Monday Nov 14, 2011
A Shakeytown Radio Minute: It's November, the month of the moustache, and it's been raining in L.A. That has nothing to do with this episode about the holidays, video stores, and Blink-182.