Shakeytown Radio is a podcast created and hosted by Brodie Foster Hubbard and writer and comedian Gene George, with discussions about art, literature, music, independent media and pop culture, and featuring conversations with artists, comedians, musicians, writers, and other creative people.

Monday Jan 07, 2013
Shakeytown New Year 2013 w/ magician Joel Ward & actress Allison Minick
Monday Jan 07, 2013
Monday Jan 07, 2013
Ring in the New Year with some magic, courtesy of magician Joel Ward and actress Allison Minick.
We discuss the magic circuit and stage scene, BFH's radical sixth grade interpretation of "Macbeth," caring for doves and hoarding tennis balls, Bill Murray as Joan of Arc, and what the International Brotherhood of Magicians really thinks of GOB Bluth and "Arrested Development."
Featuring the music of Hickey, Three Mile Pilot, and The Straight Arrows (pictured above).

Monday Dec 24, 2012
The Shakeytown Radio Holiday Special
Monday Dec 24, 2012
Monday Dec 24, 2012
What is the meaning of Hanukkah? What is the importance of Christmas? How does someone who doesn't believe in anything handle the holidays? What do a reggae musician, a basketball veteran and restaurant owner, a dead dog, a pixie imp, and one of the greatest comedians of all time have in common? It's part Charles Dickens, part Charlie Brown, and part Cult of Cthulhu, when BFH, Gene George, and Libby Ward celebrate the season on The Shakeytown Radio Holiday Special. With music from Yidcore, The Wailers, Galactic Pegasus, and Frank Black and the Catholics.

Monday Nov 19, 2012
The Shakeytown Radio Reunion Special
Monday Nov 19, 2012
Monday Nov 19, 2012
Why have the airwaves of Shakeytown Radio been silent so many months? Exactly what happened after Lizzy Pilcher's appearance? Where has Team Shakeytown been this entire time? What does the mafia, MMA, voter fraud, and the British actor Ade Brookshire have to do with all this? How can you say we go about things the wrong way? The Shakeytown Radio Reunion Special will answer all these questions and more as Libby Ward and Bob Schriner put on their reporter hats, flash their journalistic credentials, and interview Gene George and others in not only the most important episode of the podcast, but the most important work in the history of the medium.
Featuring the music of The Meatmen...
...a cameo by Adam Brooks, actor ("Millenium Bug," "Well of the Beast") and musician (Fossils, Egrets on Ergot)...
...and the theme song we've been waiting two years for, provided generously by the Brisbane, Australia band I Heart Hiroshima!

Monday Oct 29, 2012
Hallo3een - w/ Carrie Kruger & Ed Ackerman
Monday Oct 29, 2012
Monday Oct 29, 2012
In our third annual Halloween special, musician and visual artist Carrie Kruger, and actor Ed Ackerman ("Hatchet 2," "Frozen," "Vegas") help Gene George and BFH bring this podcast back from the dead!

Monday Jul 16, 2012
Jazz Standard Time
Monday Jul 16, 2012
Monday Jul 16, 2012
Oh, hey, it's a Shakeytown Radio Minute, which much like jazz, has lots of riffing. Libby shares her love of the musician's lifestyle and plans for a Vegas writing adventure. Gene details the joys and trials of daddyhood. BFH has got something to say, he pulled the string on a talking Mork doll today.

Sunday Jul 01, 2012
For The Week of July First
Sunday Jul 01, 2012
Sunday Jul 01, 2012
Oh, hey, it's been a while. Let's talk about gross possum, alien movies, feet fetishes, Rube Goldberg devices, mandatory ice cream, and The Most Powerful Women In The World. It's a Shakeytown Radio Minute with Libby, Gene, and BFH.

Monday Jun 11, 2012
Monday Jun 11, 2012
Monday Jun 11, 2012
Lizzy is a standup comedian who started her career in Seattle, but has been gracing the stages of Los Angeles for the last two years. She joins her friend and ours, Libby Ward, along with Gene George, Brodie Foster Hubbard, and Bob Schriner, for a chat about adventures on the rails, crotchety old ladies, and tattoos.

Monday May 28, 2012
Riverside DIY Print Fest
Monday May 28, 2012
Monday May 28, 2012
A Shakeytown Radio Minute: BFH files a report from an independent publishing event at the Blood Orange Infoshop in Riverside, and interviews Angela Chaos, one of the organizers of the event and a zinester in her own right ("Bitch King," "Raptor Fancy," and the zine distro and workshop organizers Zineworks). Also, the music of The Cigs.

Wednesday May 23, 2012
Wednesday May 23, 2012
Wednesday May 23, 2012
A Shakeytown Radio Minute: A friend of the show has been simultaneously celebrated and besmirched. BFH said more than his share on Twitter, so Gene weighs in on our beloved Malkah Duprix (Mountain Kids Fantasy, @mocoddle on Twitter) and her recent rise to internet fame (and infamy) as the curator of "Law & Order & Food."

Monday May 21, 2012
Will Stegemann
Monday May 21, 2012
Monday May 21, 2012
Will Stegemann (@betheboy on Twitter) is the writer behind the Sentimental Accidents blog and a project called A Year Of Billy Joel. Will joins Gene and Brodie to discuss lots and lots of music, including Billy Joel, The Ramones, the late MCA and The Beastie Boys, as well as share stories and thoughts about murder, kidnapping, and Hitler. So, just the light topics this week. Also, the music of Japanese punk band Sandy Beach Surf Coaster.